
The Oakwood School graduates are...

  • People of integrity who hold themselves to high standards of conduct and performance
  • Lifelong learners who use knowledge throughout their lives
  • Leaders who challenge others to invest in something greater than themselves
  • Confident individuals and risk-takers who are committed to making the world better
  • Empathetic citizens of the world who value cultural diversity
  • Disciplined, insightful, and courageous thinkers and learners

Excerpt from Portrait of an Oakwood Graduate adopted December 9, 2014

Dear Oakwood Alumni,

I’m so happy you have come to this page of the Oakwood website to reconnect with your peers as well as the school community. This is also a great place for future 'Oakwoodians' to learn about YOU, our graduates who continue to live our mission, exemplify Oakwood's Portrait of a Graduate, and represent our legacy.

At every senior luncheon since our first graduating class in 2009, I reminded you that each of you have helped shape Oakwood into what it is today. You each have played a role in making our school community the amazing place that is and continue to keep our mission alive and well. I am continually grateful for being able to work with you all during your time here, and I hope to continue to keep in touch with you as well!

Drop me a line ANYTIME you have some news to share—a move, a new job, college degree, award or accomplishment, an engagement, children, interesting travel plans, and more! No detail is too small. Your past teachers and I enjoy sharing in your lives via these pieces of news! Email me at—I’d love to hear from you! When COVID is a thing of the pass I look forward to resuming our annual alumni gatherings, homecoming, visits to campus, Blue Jean Ball auction and gala, and in person graduation!

Go Eagles!

Jennifer Smith, Alumni Coordinator and Upper School Coordinator

Jessica Jones, Director of Development

Dan Quesnel, Head of School

Facebook: Oakwood Alumni Page